Silver Linings (By: Jordan Elias)

As we are responding to the disruptions caused by COVID-19, I’m reminded of our unique ability as humans to adapt to change. While it feels as though we’ve lost a lot right now, what we’ve gained is a renewed sense of collective action, a reminder that we are all in this together, and an appreciation for the bonds that keep us connected. Whether it be singing from a balcony, video chatting with an old friend, or sharing our art on social media, I see people finding ways to keep communities connected. While I try to do what I can to support those who are sick or without basic needs, and those on the front lines, I also try to remain grateful.

I’m grateful to be housed and to have access to food and water. I’m grateful for the drive to stay connected that I see in so many people. I’m grateful to be able to create online platforms so the communities I work to build up can keep growing. Even stopping to appreciate the global drop in pollution brings me a small sense of hope.

Soon we will be starting an online workshop for music production. This free and ongoing workshop will be open to any middle and high schoolers looking to get started creating music, exploring sound design, and understanding the fundamentals of mixing and arranging. If you have an internet connection and a mobile device or computer, you will have everything you need. Look out for details on when our first online meetup will be.

While it increasingly feels like we may not soon return to what we were so used to, our new normal has some small gifts to appreciate.  I know we will keep doing what we do best, adapting.


Behind the Scenes: Virtual Music Classes


Makin’ Lemonade: Music and Art Teletherapy (By: Cacia King)