Meditations and Affirmations for Self-Love

What does your body feel right now? Are you sitting, standing, moving? What texture surrounds you? What does the air feel like, what does your breath feel like, what does your heartbeat feel like?

Take a moment, right now. Close your eyes and notice what your body feels, senses, moves. 

What does this body need? Water? A snack? Movement? Rest? Attention? Touch? Love?

Let yourself attend to this need without judgement or justification. 

There is no greater gift than the life our body provides us, let us connect with our full selves and love every cell of our being. 

Here is our affirmation for today:

“I am whole just the way I am. I have so much love and life within myself. 

With every breath, with every heartbeat, I feel connected to the world around me. 

My body is beautiful and intelligent and tells me what I need when I listen. 

I am listening. I am grateful. I am grounded.”

We can always give ourselves the love and attention we need and deserve. Thank you for noticing, for loving, for listening to yourself today.



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